Admit it! If you had to choose a car for the rest of your life you would definitely choose the best top-quality masterpiece of mechanical engineering. You would probably pick up a Ferrari or a Lamborgini or a Mercedez depending on your budget, but absolutely the best and even most expensive if you could afford anyone.
Why do we decide this? Because we don’t want to ride through the road with a terrible, defective, or poor slow car. Instead, we want the ostentatious, luxurious, and fastest mechanical vehicle we could drive to impress our friends and relatives. We definitely don’t want our neighbors or fellow to see us driving a junky scrap through life.
That’s exactly the same reasoning we should extrapolate to our only and unique vehicle we will always handle wherever we go through our whole lives. It is our buddy and the state we make of it. And depending on our good or bad habits, what do we feed with the machine with which we run through life, we will be able to run fast, ostentatious, luxurious, and furious and impress all our relatives.
We have one buddy and one life of which we got to take care and take to the maximal level if we want to succeed and reach far beyond where our goals and dreams are awaiting for us. So remember, take care of yourself, sleep well, eat vegetables and stay healthy.